Salmos Projects


Providing assistance to Eastern Washington citizens in more than twenty everyday-life categories. These vital solutions are provided through a network of caring volunteers. Visit, volunteer, make requests here. This method, developed by Congressional Candidate, Jerrod Sessler, is a vision for a modern-day method for members of Congress to remain tightly connected to their district while they spend most of their time in DC.

Precinct Packing Project

Conservatives are standing up in droves wanting to participate in the Republican process. The Precinct Packing Project enables Republican County Parties to tap into a database system that will show them where open precincts are that do not yet have a representative (often called a PCO or Precinct Committee Officer). Republicans leaders now see how vital it is for the future of America to fill each one of these seats with quality legal citizens. Engage your county here.


SoulSong is a conservative Sex Ed curriculum designed for use in public schools. It fulfills the "woke" requirements of Comprehensive Sex Ed Laws mandated by many states.

Symptomatic Homelessness

Small towns across America are struggling with the homeless epidemic. Many city council members are being pressured into making decisions that exacerbate the problem. Symptomatic Homelessness is a comprehensive view of the steps cities must take to solve their homelessness problem.

Candidate Toolkit

{Toolkit Updates On-Going - Want to contribute? Contact us at}
Recruiting great candidates has reached into the heart of American conservatives to many people that may have never considered standing up to defend traditional American values in politics. Necessity demands action and we are seeing good people stand up all across this great land. As a result, we have begun the Candidate Toolkit project to expand access for conservatives to quality materials that are both FREE and helpful as we adventure together into the political sphere.

Republican Party APP

Once we got into the Precinct Packing Project we realized that the county parties are often lacking in the digital tools they need. So, we expanded that project to create a CRM to manage the county volunteer members contact and related info for them. Additionally, we created an app that enables the parties to communicate with their membership without having to use email. This reduces the need to manage multiple sets of contact data and provides more secure and direct form of communication. Eventually, we will also enable the volunteers to be able to send messages to the conservatives within their precinct in an effort to fan the flames of the grassroots movement in America today.

Winning With Grassroots

In addition to filling each of the precinct representative positions, we must unify, mature, focus, & shift paradigms in our County Republican Parties before we can truly nail grassroots activism in conservative America. To ignite that change, Jerrod Sessler has produced a new intro video that is now being used to start county party meetings across America. The content is free and the perspective is refreshing! Watch the newly released and updated video Winning with Grassroots

County Republican Party Paradigm Shift

County Republican Parties have untapped opportunities as conservatives organize and take-over local politics in Washington State. Jerrod Sessler has created a perspective-shaking training that enables County Party Executive Committees to pave their way for a win by activating people who were on their couch.